How long to see results after treatment?

Immediate results that will boost your self image and thus your self-confidence.

What type of hair loss can be suitable for scalp micropigmentation?

All types. Thinning hair line, medical condition,  partial/complete baldness, scars, burns.

Do we match Hair Colour and skin tone?

Yes there are many different option to provide you with a realistic look depending on your hair type, colour and your skin tone.

Are the pigments used  safe?

Yes, all the products are hypoallergenic and specific formulated for this procedure.

How long does it last?

It can last for several years depending on the skin type, aftercare and exposure to the sun. A top-up session is a perfect way to revitalise the treatment, on average clients require a top-up session after 2 years to maintain the look.

How much does it cost?

It varies from person to person depending on the size of the area being treated. We recommend coming in for a free no-obligation consultation whereby we can take a look at your scalp and discuss the options available to you. Telephone and FaceTime consultations are also available.

Is this a surgical treatment?

Non-Surgical and Non-Invasive and does not require recovery.

Is the procedure painful?

Not particularly comfortable, not particularly uncomfortable. The procedure is painless, sometimes there is a mild discomfort or tingling sensation. Redness and irritation may occur for the first few hours after the procedure and can be itchy.

How long is the healing

It will take several weeks for the pigmentation to fully set depending on the immune system of each person, in most cases, our clients return to normal activities the same day

Is it safe?

The micro pigmentation is considered safe for most people who are in generally  good health.

Is there  any possibility of risk and complications?

It is a very low-risk procedure as long as the care instructions are followed. If you don’t, there is a slight risk of infection which may cause colour loss.

How long does it take?

SMP is built up over 3 sessions.

First session: takes between 4 to 6 hours depending on the size and conditions of the skin and the area being covered. The hairline is created if needed and the first fill is applied.

Second session: 7 to 10 days after the first session, here fill and texture will be created.

Third session:  4 weeks after the second session, final touches  for you to have it looking  great.

Fourth session: depending on each individual needs.

Can I have the treatment done if I  have an underlying health conditions?

Yes, depending of the underlying health condition and you’re your doctor advises. The treatment is not recommended for people with active acne on the head or with moderate to severe psoriasis or eczema.

Micropigmentation is the best option for you?

You may have this answer, you can change your hair style  right here right now, without surgery and with immediate effects.

When is the best time to get SMP?

SMP can be used at any stage of hair loss.

Are you taking steroids because you are a Gym lover and it is affecting your hair?

SMP is the best option to add density to your hair.